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Why Agencies Should be Helping their Clients Navigate Data Privacy

Updated: May 23, 2023

Data Privacy

The Cambridge Analytica scandal has exposed just how fragile the average person's data privacy is on the internet. Pew Research Center recently found that 70% of Americans believe people have lost control over how companies collect and use personal information online. There's a real need for greater transparency and control over data collection.

It's important to note that most tech companies aren't using the data they collect to stoke fear, hate, and division. But even if they are using our data for good, they're still collecting it without our permission.

The reality is that while the federal government has yet to pass a privacy law, states and even cities are stepping in to fill the vacuum.

For example, Massachusetts has been in the talk passing a new law regarding protecting user data. In Illinois, the city of Chicago has passed a similar law.

Suppose you're a business professional or an Agency owner in the U.S and you're concerned about where privacy is heading.

In that case, you may want to consider setting up a data privacy strategy for your own business and the owner of the company they are working with.

Because in 2022, it will be more stringent.

Understanding Data Privacy in the U.S.

The data privacy landscape is complicated. It's a patchwork of legislation and efforts at the state level. In short, there is no overarching federal policy specifically designed to protect consumers' digital privacy rights.

For example, in California, CCPA (Consumer Protection Act) was enacted; in Virginia, VCDPA (Virginia Consumer Data Privacy Act) was introduced; Colorado's CPA (Colorado Consumer Privacy Protection Act) is also another example.

This has left many Americans without adequate protection and businesses confused about what they need to do to stay compliant with various laws.

NextGen Data Privacy is Consent!

The future of marketing depends on the company's understanding of its audience. You don't want to follow an audience you see for sale by other companies.

You want to know your audience, what makes them tick, and what content they consume and share.

Consumers are becoming increasingly careful about how you handle their data. As calls for legislation to protect data privacy become more common, several bills have come forth.

Businesses & Agency owners should ensure they are compliant with all rules and regulations regarding their consumer data privacy. Businesses need to obtain consent from users to use their data and provide transparency of how data is collected and used within the platform.

This can be done by implementing a data privacy roadmap through (CMP) Consent Management Platform.

A new standard of Data privacy and trust

Data privacy standards continue to grow as one of the most critical elements in managing said information.

As this standard has become increasingly important for modern businesses and organizations, we've seen that the most significant thing people care about is putting control back in the hands of consumers.

So, what does that mean? Consumers need to have a vital role in determining exactly where their data goes. What companies or agencies have access to their data is essential for understanding how programs and services can continue thriving without becoming obsolete.

Thankfully, there are some ways in which we've been able to regulate who gets access so that consumers can rest assured they are in control.

For example: - Giving users complete transparency into all information collected on them-They should be able to request personal data be deleted at any point-Preventing the selling of consumer data while still beneficial.

Although marketers may grumble, and rightly so, they shouldn't assume all consumers object to sharing their personal information.

Many realize the benefits of allowing companies to collect and retain data related to their preferences for advertising and transactions, mainly when companies are transparent about how the information is used.

Some consumers also appreciate the simplicity or customized experiences made possible by sharing some or all their information.

Fore see Future

We believe near future startups, agencies, and business owners will start with privacy in mind. This may seem odd since many don't even consider this a legitimate issue yet.

But soon, the average person will want control over their data and demand that no matter where they are or which system it might be on that contains their information, they will have full access to it, etc.

And when these standards of ethics come into play more and more, they will eliminate the need for others to fight over unnecessarily obtaining data so businesses can operate efficiently.


As the world becomes a more digital place, more and more privacy concerns will emerge. Consumers are becoming increasingly more aware of the importance of their data and will do whatever it takes to maintain their privacy.

By the end of 2021, we are confident consumers will demand more from the brands they patronize, and those brands will look to their agencies for guidance... Together, we can all enable the data ecosystem to finally begin to be reformed.

Check out <<Marketers Guide to Data Privacy>> for more information.

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